Video series „Get More from Nutrivi” – get to know our dietary supplements better
Are you wondering what is unique about Nutrivi products? The answer to this and many other questions related to our dietary supplements can be found in the series of expert videos "Get More from Nutrivi”.
In a series of videos available on our YouTube channel, the subject of Nutrivi dietary supplements is discussed in more detail by the originator and founder of WellU, Rafał Flavio Tomczak and dietitian, member of the WellU Scientific Council and researcher at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, RNDr (Doctor of Natural Sciences) Pavel Suchánek.
What were the assumptions of the series?
• present simply and briefly the market advantage of dietary supplements Nutrivi
• explain in a comprehensible way about the uniqueness of individual products of the Nutrivi
• cite arguments that will be relevant to the client
We have prepared films in Polish, Czech and English languages.
What episodes will you find in our series?
1) „About the brand Nutrivi”
In the first episode entitled "Peptide Experts", our Experts tell us why Nutrivi dietary supplements stand out from the many supplementation brands existing on the European markets.
2) „Get More from Nutrivi Vitamin C+”
In these episodes, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek and Rafał Flavio Tomczak talk about C+. It is a unique complex, containing natural vitamin C derived from three sources – rosa canina, sea-buckthorn and acerola and a valuable addition of silicon from bamboo and flavone fraction from orange peels, standardized to 90% diosmin and 10% hesperidin.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
3) „Get More from Nutrivi Get UP+”
In the following episodes you will find answers whether the Get UP dietary supplement should be treated as a healthier "replacement" for coffee, or maybe it has other, much more valuable health functions that are worth knowing about?
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
4) „Get More from Nutrivi Revicoll MAX"
In the next episodes, our Experts will take a broader look at the multifunctional dietary supplement Revicoll MAX.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
5) „Get More from Nutrivi Holistic Peptide Complex"
The following episodes are dedicated to the Holistic Peptide Complex, which, thanks to a selected composition of active ingredients, is designed to support the proper functioning of the immune system.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
6) „Get More from Nutrivi Enzyme Complex"
Proteolytic enzymes from natural plant extracts, i.e. the Enzyme Complex formulation, are the subject of the next episodes in our series.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
7) „Get More from Nutrivi Physio Sport Peptide Complex”
The main protagonist of the seventh episode is Physio Sport Peptide Complex, a supplement featuring a proprietary formula with a rich composition and a high concentration of freeze-dried fish collagen (as much as 650 mg per serving).
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
Full version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek:
8) „Get More from Nutrivi LipoVitum C”
In the eighth episode of the series, you will learn more about Nutrivi LipoVitum C, which is liposomal vitamin C in liquid form.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
9) „Get More from Nutrivi Good Life”
Why are there two types of capsule in Good Life supplement? What are the natural treasures hidden in the product and what is their effect on wellbeing and body condition? RNDr. Pavel Suchánek i Rafał Flavio Tomczak respond to these questions.
Short version, RNDr. Pavel Suchánek, Rafał Flavio Tomczak:
We invite you to watch!