Forbes Diamond 2024 for WellU!
We are pleased to report another business award for WellU. The company is once again among the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2024 list.
For the sixteenth time, the editors of the industry monthly Forbes publish a list of Diamonds, i.e. the most dynamically developing companies in Poland. As a result of analyses comprising many business and economic factors, we found ourselves in this elite group.
We are proud to receive this distinction and would like to thank you for your trust and hard work, which contribute to our joint success #BusinessLikeNoOther
This year's record-breaking Diamond list of companies exceeded 29,000 companies. In the end, the list included companies with a 10 per cent and higher increase in company value, which still resulted in 16,385! All these companies, can boast the title of 'Forbes Diamonds 2024'. An additional distinction and reason for satisfaction is the fact that diamond companies represent only 0.33 per cent of the total number of companies registered in Poland.
The results of this year's ranking are based on indicators for 2018-2022, i.e. they take into account the time after the pandemic rebound in the economy, but also the effect of the outbreak of war in Ukraine.