CBD oil full spectrum premium grade
Cannavi by Nutrivi CBD+ Oil Full Spectrum 10%
10 ml
product code CPCBDFS10/1
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available: right away
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What is the product?
CANNAVI BY NUTRIVI 10% CBD+ Oil is a natural composition of cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG) and accompanying cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids from hemp seed. Cannavi by Nutrivi's golden oil provides valuable support in building the habit of holistic care for great form and well-being. Just two drops of the product taken three times a day will allow you to fully appreciate the masterpiece that came out of mother nature's hand - the Cannabis sativa plant.
In hemp Cannabis sativa L., from which we obtain the raw material for PREMIUM CANNAVI BY NUTRIVI oil, more than 520 compounds from different groups have been identified: flavonoids, dihydrostilbenes, phenanthrenes, spiroindanes and the most characteristic cannabinoids of the plant.
W konopiach Cannabis sativa L., z których pozyskujemy surowiec do oleju PREMIUM CANNAVI BY NUTRIVI, zidentyfikowano ponad 520 związków z różnych grup: flawonoidy, dihydrostilbeny, fenantreny, spiroindany oraz najbardziej charakterystyczne dla tej rośliny kannabinoidy.
There are more than 100 of them in hemp, with the best known being CBD, the increasingly intensively studied CBG, as well as CBDV, and CBN. Europe's state-of-the-art cryo-hybrid production technology allows us to obtain a rich premium full spectrum (CBD+) extract from hemp.
This is the essence of phytocannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids - the finest because it was designed by nature. CBD, CBG, CBDV, CBN with terpenes create a synergistic effect in the oil. Cannavi does not exhibit psychoactive effects, therefore its use is safe. We subject the trace concentration of THC in the product to detailed analysis at each stage of production. We produce the oil from hemp grown in the European Union.

To whom do we recommend this product?
To anyone familiar with the benefits of taking hemp oil containing cannabigerol (CBG) and accompanying cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, looking for a premium full spectrum product.

What makes it stand out?
- unique production technology, preserving the original chemical relations contained in the plant
- trace, safe, controlled concentration of THC (less than 0.2%)
- no psychoactive effect
- microbiological testing
- tests for the presence of heavy metals
- raw materials with BIO certification
- certified product
Cannavi by Nutivi certificates and test results:
FULL SPECTRUM certificate CLICK >>
BIO certificate CLICK >>