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Slim Food Classic Acai 2 x 18 bars

Ready to consume, wholesome food product in the form of bars with dietary, nutritional and pro-health effects. An effective, safe and quick way to slim and model your figure. It may be the basis of a diet or its supplement. Acai flavor.
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  • Description
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A healthy and beautiful body, an attractive figure without unnecessary kilograms - this is most often the needs of people who want to feel well in their own skin, which depends on a conscious and careful treatment of their body. People who seek to restore and maintain the body’s balance.

Many of them have problems with implementing these needs, and as a reason indicate the lack of time, the idea of a diet and reluctance towards complex diet plans. Wholesome products that make up the diet, their quality and origin are of considerable importance in order for there to be success.

The answer to such outlined needs is SLIM FOOD bars, which are a ready to consume, wholesome food product in the form of bars with dietary, nutritional and pro-health effects. They are an alternative to generally available meals, recommended for anyone who appreciates high-quality food. Created by combining several high-quality ingredients, SLIM FOOD bars are a storehouse of nutrients.

By eliminating components from mass production and unverified sources the risks of GMOs are avoided. What is important, the base for baking is einkorn, an ancient, unmodified wheat, which does not cause the effects of gluten intolerance.

Fresh, because it’s prepared continuously during a unique, several-stage production process, for maximum protection of active ingredients and nutritional value. The product is free from preservatives, dyes, refined sugar, diuretics and substances accelerating the metabolism.

SLIM FOOD supplies the body with all the essential nutrients and supports the natural processes of the organism. The muscles receive building blocks, thereby fatty tissue, and not muscles are burned. What is important in the concept of shaping the figure with SLIM FOOD is that the attention is focused both on both body weight and its circumference, combining this image with the general appearance and the content of fat tissue.

We equally focus on health aspects. According to us, a good appearance as well as health and well-being constitute a whole. A diet based on our bars has an effect the weight, the figure and shape healthy eating habits.

Introducing SLIM FOOD to the diet gives invaluable benefits both for people with a sedentary lifestyle as well as those who could not imagine a day without physical activity. It may be part of a slimming diet determined by a specialist.

This product is also suitable for children as a healthy snack between meals.

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Reduces body weight. The first drops in weight are noticeable within the first few days of use. Usually just four weeks of treatment leads to the anticipated effects. During the first three weeks of treatment women are able to lose even 4 to 10 kg and men even 8 to 15 kg

Removes deposits, toxins and excess water from the body, so that it not only affects a change in the figure, but also results in a better mood, increased energy level, improved condition of the skin, hair and nails

Due to its high fibre content it improves bowel movement, cleans the intestines from lingering remnants of digestion

Nourishes, provides the desired dose of energy, high-quality nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and healthy fats

Hydrates - each bar should be accompanied by a glass of water (a full slim diet food requires drinking an additional 2 litres of water)

Satiates, without causing a feeling of hunger

Impedes the desire for snacking on sweets

SLIM FOOD bars are a composition of several, carefully selected components, combined so the synergy of their actions would have a beneficial effect on the body, in accordance with the assumptions guiding the creation of the product. In consideration of the GMO risk in the selection of ingredients, we avoid those from mass production and unverified sources. The base for baking is einkorn, an ancient, unmodified wheat, which presence in the digestive system does not cause gluten intolerance.

Chickpea - known as Italian peas, improves digestion and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. 100 grams of chickpea meets 24% of the daily demand for phosphorus, 14% for magnesium and as much as 43% for vitamin B9. In the same quantity it contains 7.6 g of fibre and 8.9 g of protein.

Einkorn - an ancient, unmodified wheat, rich in safe gluten and protein (even up to 50% more than in common wheat, it contains phenylalanine, tyrosine, methionine and isoleucine which are amino acids absent in wheat or spelt), which beneficially affect the nervous system.

Sesame oil - contains vitamin B which is invaluable in the prevention of cardiovascular and heart attacks. Sesamin and calcium regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol, slow down the accumulation of body fat and provides muscles with nutrients.

Rice syrup - a natural sweetener consisting of easily absorbed carbohydrates, glucose and melanosis which extends its digestion and thus supports maintaining a constant blood sugar level. It is rich a source of many minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc.

Linseed - flax seeds known for their shielding action on the gastrointestinal tract also assist bowel movements. It has slightly laxative properties, facilitating defecation. Linseed reduces the blood cholesterol level and hinders glucose absorption in the digestive tract. It has anti-atherosclerotic, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Honey - has detoxifying properties and perfectly cleanses. Indispensable with increased physical and mental effort, during long and chronic diseases as well as during exhaustion.

Almonds - a source of many nutrients: they contain unsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, copper, fibre and tocopherols. The unique composition of almonds has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol, decrease free radicals and prevent gaining weight.

Acai berries - accelerate metabolism and digestion due to the large number of fibres. They ensure long-lasting satiety and thus help to control and gradually reduce the amount of consumed calories. They support the operation of the heart. They contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as are rich in anti-oxidants, which delay the ageing process and hinder the development of cancer cells.

Amaranth - prevents constipation due to high fibre content, supports bowel movement and metabolism. It is highly digestible and does not burden the digestive tract. It reduces cholesterol levels, can prevent some cancers and delays the ageing process. It inhibits the development of gastric ulcers and improves the memory as well as the nervous system.

Olive oil - reduces bad cholesterol, protects the body against the development of cardiovascular diseases including coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.  Supports weight loss and reduces the blood sugar level. It delays the ageing process.

Bitter cocoa - regenerates cells, delays ageing processes, reduces the production and release of free radicals and it is also a natural antioxidant. It reduces digestive problems. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and lowers the blood pressure. It improves the mood, reduces stress and increases the secretion of endorphin.

Coconut chips - a source of fibre which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Adequate intake also supports the loss of weight and reduces appetite.

Sunflower - a rich source of source vitamin E and all group B vitamins, effecting the functioning of the nervous system. It supports the work of the heart and the circulatory systems, helps fight against migraines and muscle cramps. Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, reliable in the prophylaxis of prostate cancer.

Cinnamon - a source of fibre, iron, calcium and manganese. It is a natural antioxidant: fights free radicals, delays the ageing of cells, and helps fight cancer as well as circulatory system diseases. It accelerates metabolism, improves digestion process and helps in weight loss. It effectively inhibits the appetite for sweets and provides a feeling of satiety.

Pumpkin seeds – “capsules” of health and beauty, containing many vitamins (including vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B9) and microelements, i.e. manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Pumpkin seeds are also source of zinc - extremely helpful in treating skin diseases.

* The marked components may cause allergic reactions or food intolerance.  

For people happy with their figure, who desire high-quality nutrition and life, we recommend using SLIM FOOD as a healthy snack between meals. You can also replace one or two meals with the bars - depending on individual preferences.

For those seeking solutions to weight problems, we offer a treatment based on SLIM FOOD and supplemented with light meals and/or cocktails (see outline below).

Depending on the level of activity and gender, we recommended the consumption of 6 (women) or 8 (men) SLIM FOOD bars per day for 6 days a week. The bars should be eaten at an interval of 60-75 minutes, drinking a glass of water each time. On the seventh day it is recommended to consume highly digestible, low calorie meals for the optimal effect.

At the beginning we propose a 3-week treatment. If its effects after this time prove to be satisfactory, the presence of SLIM FOOD bars in the daily diet can be regarded as a convenient snack and healthy alternative for cereal biscuits, chocolate or fast food. For those who desire to continue their adventure with weight loss, we recommended a week’s break in the treatment (while maintaining healthy, regular meals 5 times a day). After the break you should return to SLIM FOOD for another three weeks. The treatment may be repeated as often as there is a need and continued safely until the desired effects are obtained.

The following outline will help in adding a SLIM FOOD treatment to the diet. The daily dose of bars should be joined together with one or two meals and fruit & vegetable cocktails - depending on the level of activity and gender. It is important that the first meal would be a maximum of 1 hour after you wake up and the last meal (dinner or a bar) 2-3 hours before going to bed. Food should be at equal intervals and at the recommended doses (do not eat several bars at the same time) - so the body learns regularity.


Eat at equal intervals every 60-75 minutes

Eat each bar together with drinking a glass of water, drinking during the day a minimum of 2 litres of pure, non-carbonated water

Eat the first meal a maximum of one hour after waking up, the last meal 2-3 hours before going to bed

Do not eat several bars at the same time - teach your body regularity

If it is turns out that the recommended amount of bars is too much for you - divide it in half, but be sure to take regularly

In the course of the diet restrict tea and coffee to one cup per day. If you are tempted to drink more, each additional coffee or tea must be accompanied by an additional glass of water

Resign from beer and substitute with red or white wine, preferably on the day that you have a break from SLIM FOOD

Observing the effects of the SLIM FOOD diet, take into account not only the body weight but also the circumference, which could be more reliable and reflect the weight loss process based on the visual changes in the body

At around the third day of treatment, there may or may not occur the possibility of lowered motivation to stick to the diet, headaches, general weakness, feeling cold - this is a form of the organism’s protest to the changes made in nutrition, the result of limiting the consumption of simple carbohydrates, which the body has been accustomed to as a result of highly processed foods rich in sugars. In the event of a very annoying headache, we recommend the consumption of a small portion (100 g) of fruit or 1 - 2 cups of water with honey  

SLIM FOOD may be part of a slimming diet determined by a specialist. In the case of diabetes, it should be consulted with a doctor or diabetologist

The bars contain almonds and nuts. Please refer to the ingredients located in the COMPOSITION tab or on the package label.

In the first days a feeling of cold and frequent bowel movements may occur. This is the result of the organism being cleansed from toxins and deposits. After a few days the body will adjust to the healthy SLIM FOOD diet, drawing more energy from the body fat. Then the inconvenience will pass.

Store in a dry place, away from sunlight, at a temperature of 0 to 8 C. After opening consume within 48 hours before the expiry date

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